Tuesday Groups
Many themes regarding orthodoxy and other subjects are discussed in the tuesday group evenings through lectures, presentations of the parishioners and joint activities.
More information on the evenings:
Becoming Orthodox?
The topics of this open lecture series are the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church and the teachings of the Church. The lecture series is specifically aimed at catechumens, people considering joining the orthodox church and at everyone interested in orthodoxy.
Additional information on the schedule (in finnish)
Orthodoxy Group
In the Orthodoxy Group we discuss matters regarding the Orthodox Church: the teachings of the Church and life as a christian.
Additional information on the schedule (in finnish)
Bible Study Group
We study the Bible through discussion.
Additional information on the schedule (in finnish)
Icon Painting
Icon painting is a dear hobby to many parishioners, and it nourishes their prayer life. To many, it has also been an important factor in the journey to joining the Church. Icon painting groups gather in the parish hall.
Additional information on the schedule (in finnish)
Swedish-speaking Study Group
The group discusses the central themes of the orthodox church in Swedish.
Additional information on the schedule (in swedish)
Russian-speaking Study Group
The group discusses the central themes of the orthodox church in Russian.
Additional information on the schedule (in russian)
Aleksandra Club
Women themselves plan the activities. In previous years the club has organised trips to nearby locations, like museums and botanical gardens, gathered for coffee or picnics, prepared for Easter or Christmas and sung together.
Additional information on the schedule (in finnish)
The Choir of the Orthodox Church of Turku
The main job of the choir is to participate in the Services and liturgical life of the parish. The choir also produces recordings and holds concerts in Finland and overseas. People interested in orthodox church music aged 15 to 50 years can apply to be a member once they have passed an audition by the choir leader.
Additional information (in finnish)
Church Singing Activities in Salo and Rauma
Cantor Riikka holds singing rehearsals once a month on Tuesdays in Salo and Rauma. The rehearsals are held on the same week as the Divine Services in the local chapel are served.
Additional information (in finnish)
Children’s Choir
The children’s choir is aimed at children aged 7 to 12 years old interested in choir singing. The choir occasionally sings along in the parish liturgies and celebrations.
Additional information (in finnish)
Church Singing Group
The aim of the group is to learn to sing the monophonic joint singing parts of the services, to learn to read using to learn to read with a singing-reading style (recitative reading) and get to know the eight-tune of the orthodox church both in theory and practice. The group is aimed at everyone interested in the topic, previous experience in singing is not needed.
Additional information (in finnish)
Valamon Ystävät r.y.
Valamon Ystävät (The friends of Valamo Monastery) is a national organization whose main task is to raise awareness of the New Valamo Monastery in Heinävesi by organizing lectures, trips, and other events. The Turku local chapter of the organization is responsible for preserving the memory of the Valamo Monastery in the Turku region.
Additional information (in finnish)
Own Club +70
The Own Club is a club for parishioners above the age of 70. Joyful get-togethers, conversation and tea/coffee. Information about meetings can be found in the Kupoli parish magazine, the calendar found on the parish website and the social media channels of the parish.
Additional information (in finnish)
Aleksandra’s Brothers
Group for men of all ages! The group aims to get together for building prayerful connections within the parish through spending time together.
Additional information (in finnish)
Family Club
Welcome to the family club that is meant for the entire family or one adult with their children. Families gather in the family club to catch up and to enjoy spending time together, for example crafts, cooking and outdoor activities.
Sunday School
Sunday school is meant for children above the age of 5. Younger children are also welcome to attend together with their parent or other adult.
Adults may bring their children to Sunday school and leave to attend the church service, or also participate in the Sunday school themselves. The instructors will come to the church with the children at around 10:30. They will participate in the Great Entrance and Holy Communion. The content of the Sunday school is determined according to the cycle of the Church year.
Additional information (in finnish)
Orthodox Youth of Turku – TNO
TNO is a low-treshold club meant for youth aged about 15 to 25 years. The club’s aim is to strengthen the communication between the youth of our parish, and to come up with fun activities to do together. Meetings are chill hanging out, for example baking, games, movie nights and picnics. You can show up at the meetings when it best suits you.